Intellectual Property of Canadian GRADS

Canadian GRADS offers the following intellectual property for sale, licensing or partnering opportunities:

    1. The Canadian Guide to Funding Your Family’s Post-secondary Education”,  335 pages, containing 83 methods, with over 200 hotlinks to sources and resources
    2. Comprehensive, robust financial models in EXCEL for all RESP variables , producing 332 scenarios
    3. Comprehensive, robust financial models in EXCEL for 20 other funding methods 
    4. Purchase /Ownership of web site domain names – and, Mar. 24, 2021, for 10 years
    5. Brand Trade-mark Application for “Canadian GRADS”, filed Mar. 24, 2021, at CIPO, for 10 years
    6. Original Creation Copyrights Application– Canadian GRADS – Financing Your Family’s Post-Secondary Education, filed Mar. 24, 2021, for 50 years
    7. Miscellaneous files related to Canadian GRADS including but not limited to
      1. Marketing Channels
      2. Marketing Prospects
      3. Partners and Investors
      4. Strategic and Competitive Analysis of Canadian Banks’ Post-Secondary Education Funding Services
      5. Membership Models
      6. Business Plan
    8. PowerPoint Presentations on  Partners/Investors Pitch, Brokers Pitch, Staff Recruitment, Common RESP Mistakes
    9. All BM 101 Start-up Materials such as Lean Canvas, via Start-up Edmonton